Database: A database is an organized collection of data. It is the collection of schemas, tables, queries, reports, views, and other objects. The data are typically organized to model aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring info...
Tag cloud of the article, 'database': accelerators access according account actual administration affects allow allows altering analyze application applications arrange arrays article aspects availability available basically built builtin capture card casually categorized channel classified close cluster collection collectively combining comprise computer computers concerned concrete concurrency conform connected consisting contained control corrupted creation custom data database databases dbms dbmss dealing dedicated define definition definitions deletion designed development different directly disk disks disorderly disparate economical enforcing engineering entry environments event exist existing fail failure fetch finding form formally functional functions generally generalpurpose generous groups hana hardware heart highspeed hold hotel hotels ibm inception include index information insertion integrated integrity interact interacts internal interoperate jdbc kernel language languages large limit loosely main maintaining manage management manipulate market memory method microsoft mobile model modelling models modern modification mongodb monitoring multiprocessor multitasking mysql necessitate networking new objects obtained odbc operating oracle organization organized outside particular performance phone physically plans popular portable postgresql principles processes processing professional proper provide provided provides providing quantities queries query querying raid reality recovered recovering recovery redundant refer referred refers registering related relational relationship rely removal reports represented requirements requiring resilience restrictions retrieval retrieved rooms run sap scalability schemas security server servers set significant single size software spreadsheet sql stable standard standards storage stored structure structured support supported supports sybase systems tables technology term transaction types typically unexpected update usable usage use used user users using usually vacancies various vendors views volume way ways wellknown work world xml xquery © 2025
Tag cloud of the article, 'database': accelerators access according account actual administration affects allow allows altering analyze application applications arrange arrays article aspects availability available basically built builtin capture card casually categorized channel classified close cluster collection collectively combining comprise computer computers concerned concrete concurrency conform connected consisting contained control corrupted creation custom data database databases dbms dbmss dealing dedicated define definition definitions deletion designed development different directly disk disks disorderly disparate economical enforcing engineering entry environments event exist existing fail failure fetch finding form formally functional functions generally generalpurpose generous groups hana hardware heart highspeed hold hotel hotels ibm inception include index information insertion integrated integrity interact interacts internal interoperate jdbc kernel language languages large limit loosely main maintaining manage management manipulate market memory method microsoft mobile model modelling models modern modification mongodb monitoring multiprocessor multitasking mysql necessitate networking new objects obtained odbc operating oracle organization organized outside particular performance phone physically plans popular portable postgresql principles processes processing professional proper provide provided provides providing quantities queries query querying raid reality recovered recovering recovery redundant refer referred refers registering related relational relationship rely removal reports represented requirements requiring resilience restrictions retrieval retrieved rooms run sap scalability schemas security server servers set significant single size software spreadsheet sql stable standard standards storage stored structure structured support supported supports sybase systems tables technology term transaction types typically unexpected update usable usage use used user users using usually vacancies various vendors views volume way ways wellknown work world xml xquery © 2025