Programming language
Programming language: A programming language is a formal computer language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs to control the behavior of a machine or to express algorit...
Tag cloud of the article, 'programming language': absp accepted achieve age algorithms allow alter analysis article assign atom automatic azaz bachelor backusnaur baghdad based basic begin behavior blocks blur brothers cases century characters chomsky classified code colorless combination combinations common communicate compilation complex components computation computations computer constructs contain contextfree contrast control correct create created decimal declaration declarations declarative defined depending described describes description designed desired different digital digits direct discusses distinction document dominant earliest early error example examples excluding execution exhibit express expresses expression expressions extensions false field flute followed following form formal forms fragment furiously general generally given golden grammar grammarssome grammatical grammatically graphical green hand handled hardcoded having hierarchy ideas illformed imperative implementation including information inside instructions intended invention islamic iso jacquard john known language languages letter lexical like line lisp lisps list looms machine machines macro macros mainly make married matched meaning merely minus musa natural nature needed nonetheless null number numbers omitted operation operations optionally pair parentheses parser parsing particularly perform performs perl perls person phase pianos pim player plus pointer position possible preceded problem program programmable programmer programming programs provide punctuation purely reference regular relationships replacements require result rules semantic semantically semantics sentence sequence sequences sign simple sleep soundness specification specified specifies specify split sqrtp standard string structure surface symbol symbols syntactically syntax taken text textual thousands token translation treated trigger true type unbroken undecidable undefined use used using usually value variable visual welldefined wellformed whitespace words written wrote year zero © 2025
Tag cloud of the article, 'programming language': absp accepted achieve age algorithms allow alter analysis article assign atom automatic azaz bachelor backusnaur baghdad based basic begin behavior blocks blur brothers cases century characters chomsky classified code colorless combination combinations common communicate compilation complex components computation computations computer constructs contain contextfree contrast control correct create created decimal declaration declarations declarative defined depending described describes description designed desired different digital digits direct discusses distinction document dominant earliest early error example examples excluding execution exhibit express expresses expression expressions extensions false field flute followed following form formal forms fragment furiously general generally given golden grammar grammarssome grammatical grammatically graphical green hand handled hardcoded having hierarchy ideas illformed imperative implementation including information inside instructions intended invention islamic iso jacquard john known language languages letter lexical like line lisp lisps list looms machine machines macro macros mainly make married matched meaning merely minus musa natural nature needed nonetheless null number numbers omitted operation operations optionally pair parentheses parser parsing particularly perform performs perl perls person phase pianos pim player plus pointer position possible preceded problem program programmable programmer programming programs provide punctuation purely reference regular relationships replacements require result rules semantic semantically semantics sentence sequence sequences sign simple sleep soundness specification specified specifies specify split sqrtp standard string structure surface symbol symbols syntactically syntax taken text textual thousands token translation treated trigger true type unbroken undecidable undefined use used using usually value variable visual welldefined wellformed whitespace words written wrote year zero © 2025